Indigenous Culture Animated by a history of gold seeking and cattle ranching, the true essence of this region lays in its powerful First Nation's presence. The Secwepemc First Nation are the Indigenous people of the area—guardians of the land—self-governing, prosperous communities guided by their unified values, language and culture. Siwash Lake is within the asserted territories of several local Secwepemc bands: these are High Bar, Bonaparte, Skeetchestn, Canoe Creek, and the Whispering Pines/Clinton band. For at least five thousand years, the lands around Siwash Lake have been traditional grounds for these nomadic people, who would travel through in summers for hunting, fishing, and gathering plants — not only for food — but also for spiritual, ceremonial, and medicinal use. Several of the special places that you can visit from Siwash have First Nations archeological significance, offering up sacred treasures such as ancient Petroglyphs. |