Bird Watching at Siwash Lake
With an enchanting eco system and luxurious natural setting, Siwash Lake ranks among the best bird watching holidays. To quote our partners at National Geographic, birds are avatars of the natural world.They serve as sentinels for the health of ecosystems; by monitoring their movements we can detect threats to habitats and biodiversity earlier than we would otherwise, and in addressing those threats we see what’s good for the birds is inevitably good for us as well.

There has never been a more urgent time.
support migratory birds & protect their future.
Join us in Observing & Protecting our Friends of Flight.

Discover a New Passion
Research has proven that being in Nature can reduce stress and boost mental well-being, and a growing number of studies specifically suggest that watching birds and encouraging birds to visit or live in your yard is good for you.
A recent leisure study found that about 5% of North Americans, age 6 or older, participated in bird watching and the percentage has been climbing, especially in younger age groups.
Birding is cool! You don’t need much, just your eyes and ears and a sense of curiosity.
In the bird watching community, there is a difference between a birdwatcher and a birder. A birdwatcher is someone who enjoys watching birds a bit closer to home, while a birder is someone who will travel far and wide to spot a rare species of bird. At Siwash Lake, we cater to both. |