Flora & Fauna
The trails wind their way through wild meadows, old-growth forest, and vibrant patches of wildflowers. Backcountry hiking at Siwash Lake explores stark contrasts between blackened areas and verdant islands of refugia untouched by wildfire, as routes weave in and out of burn zones.
You will navigate over rough granite outcroppings that jut through swathes of brilliant pink fireweed, and tunnel through thick copses of succulent aspen saplings. Emerge from these rich areas of natural regeneration into wetlands and riparian zones that embrace our many wilderness lakes — areas that are key habitat for many species of birds and animals.
Your guide will interpret the local flora and fauna and make sure that you are prepared for any wildlife encounters — keeping you safe as well as helping to optimize photographic opportunities.
Routes through wildfire burn areas provide the opportunity to learn about fire ecology, as well as timber harvesting and silviculture practices in British Columbia.